Pentecost 8A

In sighs too deep for words — Jim Burklo, USA

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. –Paul’s letter to the Romans 8:26 My newborn grandson in my arms, Asleep in guileless peace – Heaven brought to earth afresh In sighs too […]

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Matthew 13: 31-33, Christianity Incubated — Jim Burklo, USA

Pentecost 8, Year A Matthew 13: 31-33 Let us prepare our souls to receive the sacred myth of scripture. Breathe deep, keep a moment of silence; release any preconceptions you might have about the meaning of the passage, open your heart to new revelations that may arise. Then read the text aloud: Jesus put before […]

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Beauty Becoming — Ana Gobledale, Zambia

‘The realm of God is like a treasure hidden in a field….like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When one is found of great value, the merchant goes away, and sells all their belongings and buys it.’ –Matthew 13:44-46 Beauty Becoming The cutter eyes the stone A stalk of translucent green tourmaline Its essence shines […]

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Psalm 105 prayer, Australia

Inspired by Psalm 105 Lectionary for Year A: Proper 12, 14, 17 and 20 We remember your wonderful works and we give thanks We sing praises, we tell of your strength, your faithfulness, your holiness, and we ask, how do we bring glory to you? Your judgements are over all the earth. You are mindful […]

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