Pentecost opening words — Rex Hunt, Australia

Gathering Litany for multiple voices

Act of Awareness


Gathering Litany

Voice 1   Come, from every corner of the earth,
Voice 2   from every time and place
Voice 1   from south and north
Voice 2   from east and west,
Voice 3   gather…
Voice 4   gather…
Voice 5   gather…
Voice 6   gather…

Voice 1   For the spirit of God is being poured out upon us
Voice 2   even now
Voice 3   in this place
Voice 4   upon the young and the old
Voice 5   the women and the men
Voice 6   straight and gay
All Voices:  upon each of us here. (SoS/Adapt)

Act of Awareness

We come from different places to this sacred place
of communal caring and celebration.

In the time which we now share
may we be open to the creative spirit
of kindness and compassion.

And may we be enriched by the company of each other,
and drawn closer to the heart of life.


Come, Holy Spirit, come,
Breathe into our hearts this day.
Bless and inspire this time of celebration and fellowship,
that we may live Spirit-filled lives
of love and compassion for all.
May it be so.

Click here to peruse the complete service for Pentecost (Year B) on Rex Hunt’s progressive liturgy web site.


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