Psalm 148, Call to Worship — Ana Gobledale, UK

photo by Carol Kreis

Inspired by Psalm 148

5th Sunday of Easter, Year C
1st Sunday of Christmas, Year C

Appropriate for Blessing of Gardens & Gardeners, Earth Day, or Blessing of Animals services.


  • The three questions, asked by Voices 1,2 and 3, might be asked by children or youth, or posed from different places in the gathered congregation.
  • The “groups” might be the left and right sides of the congregation, or a different designation of people.

Leader: Praise the Eternal One!

Voice 1:  Who will praise God from the heavens?

Group 1:   We are the sun, the moon and all the stars; we will praise God!

Group 2:  We are the clouds, the thunder, the rain.  We will praise the Eternal One!

Voice 2:  Who will praise God from the earth?

Group 1:  We are the beasts of the sea and land.  We will praise God!

Group 2:  We are the seeds that grow in the fields, the trees that cover the mountains.  We will praise the Eternal One!

Voice 3:  Who will praise the Creator of all Life?

Group 1:  Young and old, rich and poor.  We will remain faithful and praise the Eternal One!

Group 2:  Together we will worship and serve the Creator of Life!

Featured image by Carol Kreis, New Mexico USA

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