Epiphany drama

Epiphany Evening Conversations — Maren Tirabassi, USA

Epiphany Evening When Mary was really cold, she gave an angry kick to the frankincense jar (flashy gift, but ultimately useless) and then she saw it – ‘Look what the magi really left us! I can start this fire with what fell behind the caravan’s two-toed feet. ‘Something ordinary is the only way to warm […]

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Epiphany drama — Ana & Tod Gobledale, UK

Reading and Heeding the signs of the Times Matthew 2.1-12 Note:  The “king” or “magi” or “wise one” may be named as appropriate for the congregation.  The part may be played by either a woman or a man.  The “minister” might be any worship leader. Originally written for Epiphany Sunday, Year A. Script Minister:    …This […]

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