Rex Hunt

Pentecost opening words — Rex Hunt, Australia

Gathering Litany for multiple voices Act of Awareness Prayer Gathering Litany Voice 1   Come, from every corner of the earth, Voice 2   from every time and place Voice 1   from south and north Voice 2   from east and west, Voice 3   gather… Voice 4   gather… Voice 5   gather… Voice 6   gather… Voice 1   For the […]

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Progressive prayers — Rex A E Hunt, Australia

Prayers on every theme, for every occasion written over a 40 year ministry in the Uniting Church of Australia. ‘These sample prayers, written to be spoken, are logged in two groups: soft-theistic and non-theistic/post-theistic. They seek to be shaped by a progressive, post-liberal theology. When soft-theistic, they attempt to use new or different metaphors when […]

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Lectionary-based progressive liturgies — Rex A E Hunt

Hunt’s impressive web site contains lectionary-based ‘sermons, liturgies, prayers, and articles from a progressive/post-liberal theological perspective.’ Rex Hunt shares numerous resources from a life-long career as a progressive minister in the Uniting Church in Australia.  The site is easy to use and will prove a valuable resource to any progressive worship planner. Click here to […]

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Communion in a Time of Dread (hymn) — Jim Burklo, USA

Tune: Sursum Corda  (How Like a Gentle Spirit) (Use freely, with attribution) One truck delivers us our wine and bread Another swerves and leaves our children dead One driver sings a hymn of love and life Another chants a call to holy strife One phone is used to set a bomb alight Another used […]

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Advent Candle 1, Hope — Rex Hunt, Australia

Advent 1 voice 1:  Spontaneous sun voice 2: Generous giver of light, voice 3: Heat and energy… Light first Advent candle voice 4:  We give thanks that throughout this season of hope we are warmed by the signs of hope we see in our world and in our own lives. . OR Advent 1: ‘Earth’ […]

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