The power of words

The Power of Words

God speaks the universe into creation. Words of kindness create goodness; words of cruelty create hurt. Our words matter. What words are we using in worship?

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Words will out — Raymond Guy, UK

Originally posted in Progressive Voices, UK Words Will Out They tumble and fall, they teem and spill. They hit the target, they fly far wide of it. They tell so much, they convey so little. They add, subtract and multiply. You can put them to work or set them to music. They cheer and distress. […]

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Just Words, a poem (Luke 6:45) — Tony Robinson, USA

For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. – Luke 6:45 (Lection Epiphany 8, Year C) There’s a popular wisdom that says words don’t matter. It’s actions that are important. You hear it in expressions like, “It’s not what you say, but what you do that counts,” or “Your actions […]

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