Kairos! — Karen Campbell, UK

God, in whose likeness all are made,
teach us to see each other
as you see us –
each individual,
nation and people –
Valued beyond measure.
Enable us
to see as you see.

God, who is love,
teach us to love each other
as you love us –
from the very heart
of who we are,
embracing friend,
embracing neighbour,
embracing stranger.
surmounting all barriers –
real and perceived.
Move us
to love as you love.

God, who is impartial,
teach us to strive
as you strive –
raging with the oppressed,
unsettling the comfortable,
refusing to be stilled
or quieted
until your cries for justice
are heard,
and echoed,
and lived into being.
Stir us to be agents
of challenge
and change.

God of justice,
God, who demands justice,
move us from the inactive, safe,
unsafe, silent,
place on the fence.
Open our eyes – now.
Move us to listen – now.
Make us hear – now.
Speak out – now.
Speak up – now.
Struggle and move and act for justice –
right now –
in our world,
our nation,
our Church – today.

Karen is the Secretary for Global & Intercultural Ministries (Mission) for the United Reformed Church.
She wrote this prayer for the URC’s Black History Monthly session, March 2021.


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