Born from the water, we pray to you, creator God, for your world, which human hands have seized and scarred.
Give us your eyes to see its beauty, your love to care and your courage to take action.
Born from the water, we pray to you, saving God, for your church which seeks to do your will but is diverted by internal strife and political posturing.
Give us your eyes to see its beauty, your love to care and your courage to take action.
Born from the water, we pray to you, redeemer God, for all people, that we may work together for the good of all regardless of colour, creed or conviction.
Give us your eyes to see our beauty, your love to care and your courage to take action.
Born from the water, we pray to you, comforting God, for those who are distressed or discouraged.
Give us your eyes to see their beauty, your love to care and your courage to take action.
Born from the water, we pray to you, resurrection God, for those who have died. We give thanks for their lives and commend them to you in death.
Give us your eyes to see their beauty, your love to care and your courage to take action.
These and all our prayers we bring in faith.
David serves the Methodist Church in Salisbury, UK.