Samuel (1) 3:1-10 drama, Call Waiting — Ana & Tod Gobledale

Faithful Youth, photo by Ben Ulrich

1 Samuel 3:1-10, John 1:35-41
Call waiting

Introduction — Inclusive characters:

Hearing a Bible story from a new perspective offers the opportunity for new, and often unexpected, themes and messages to arise in the ears and hearts of the participants and listeners/viewers.  As we prepared the drama to depict the interchange between Samuel and Eli, we began thinking about them being a woman and girl instead of a man and boy.  As we worked on the drama, suggesting two options for the characters, e.g. Samantha/Sam and Ellie/Eli/Ellie, we wondered about a non-binary character… why not simply ‘Sam’ for the child, acted by any child?  Eli and Ellie don’t offer such a simple inclusive alternative, so we have left them as two options, but have tried to change all the pronouns to inclusive ‘they’ and ‘them’.  Ellie is identified simple as a Religious Leader and could have two lazy daughters,– echoes of Cinderella, or one son and one daughter, or simply two children.

Inclusive pronouns and titles may feel awkward initially if you are not familiar with them, but with practice it gets easier, and inclusive terminology means so much to those for whom it is so very important in their personal identity.  A dramatized more traditional telling of the story is included below, following the fully-inclusive version.

Call waiting 

Characters: Narrator/storyteller, Eli/Ellie, Sam, God


Narrator:       Let us go to the temple at Shiloh, in Israel, where the child Sam lives with the Religious Leader, Eli/Ellie.

Eli/Ellie:      [In their blindness, walks up the centre aisle slowly, tapping a cane in front to find their way.  At about the fourth pew from the front, they call out to Sam].  Sam!  Sam!

Sam:   [Hurry up from the back, take Eli/Ellie’s arm.]  Sir/Madam, here I am.

Eli/Ellie:      Sam, my child, help me to bed.  My eyes are dim.  I am so old.  [Go to the front, up the chancel stairs, turn to face the congregation].  Soon my service as Religious Leader of this temple will be through.  [Sit down.]

Sam:   What will I do then?

Eli/Ellie:      [Puts a hand on Sam’s shoulder.]  Your mother dedicated you to this temple.  You will continue living and working here.  You will serve my children, as you have served me, when they become the Religious Leaders.

Sam:   [Sam looking down, a bit embarrassed]  But… but your children…

Eli/Ellie:      I know. [Looks up, away from Sam, a sad look on his face.]   You do not like my two children.  But in our tradition the offspring take over their parent’s work.  And, as I said, Sam, your mother dedicated you to this work in the temple.  Continue in your faith. God will show you what to do.

Sam:   [Sam covers Eli/Ellie with the blanket and asks]   Are you all settled?

Eli/Ellie:      Yes, thank you, my child.  Now, you go to bed, too.  [Eli/Ellie settles down to sleep in the chair.  Sam at a distance from Eli/Ellie, settles in a small chair to sleep, too.]

God:    [Loud strong voice]  Sam!  Sam!

Sam:   [Sam awakes and stands up quickly, rubbing their eyes]  Here I am.  Just a minute.  I am coming.  [Goes over to Eli/Ellie, reaches out, kneels]  Here I am, you called me.

Eli/Ellie:      [Stirs, opens their eyes]  I did not call.  Go back.  Lie down.  Get some sleep.

            [Sam returns to the bed/chair and settles back to sleep.]

God:    [Louder]  Sam!  Sam!

Sam:   [Arises, listens again.  Heads quickly to Eli/Ellie.]  Here I am.  You called me.

Eli/Ellie:      I did not call you my, child.  Go.  Lie down again.

Sam:   [Returns to bed/chair and lies down.]

Eli/Ellie:      [Wondering aloud, while looking at the congregation]  The child is full of faith.  I wonder [pause…]  Could it be the voice of God calling to them?  Nooo… in all my years, I have never heard God’s call.  And Sam is still a child who does not yet know the Holy One.  [Eli/Ellie settles back in the chair/bed].

God:    [Loudly]  Sam!  Sam!

Sam:   [Arises quickly and goes to Eli/Ellie]  Here I am, for you DID call me!

Eli/Ellie:      [Speaking to the congregation]  It IS God calling the child.  [Speaking to Sam]  Go, lie down.  If you hear the voice again, you shall say, “Speak Holy One, for your servant hears.”  [Eli/Ellie and Sam settle down in their respective chairs.]

God:    Sam!  Sam!

Sam:   [Stands up and looks out over the congregation]  Speak, Holy One, for your servant hears.  Pause…

Prayer (worship leader):  God open our ears and hearts to your call.  Amen.

[Eli/Ellie and Sam return to their seats with the congregation.]

Drama of traditional version:

Narrator:       Let us go to the temple at Shiloh, in Israel, where the boy Samuel lives with the High Priest, Eli.

Eli:      [Walks up the centre aisle slowly, tapping his cane before him to find his way.  At about the fourth pew from the front, he calls out to Samuel].  Samuel!  Samuel!

Sam:   [Hurry up from the back, take Eli’s arm.]  Sir, here I am.

Eli:      Samuel, my boy.  Help me to bed.  My eyes are dim.  I am so old.  [Go to the front, up the chancel stairs, turn to face the congregation].  Soon my service as High Priest of this temple will be through.  [Sit down.]

Sam:   What will I do then?

Eli:      [Puts a hand on Samuel’s shoulder.]  Your mother dedicated you to this temple.  You will continue living and working here.  You will serve my sons, as you have served me, when they become the High Priests.

Sam:   [Samuel looking down, a bit embarrassed]  But… but your sons…

Eli:      I know. [Looks up, away from Samuel, a sad look on his face.]   You do not like my sons.  But in our tradition sons take over their fathers’ work.  And, as I said, Samuel, your mother dedicated you to this work in the temple.  Continue in your faith. God will show you what to do.

Sam:   [Samuel covers Eli with the blanket and asks], Are you all settled?

Eli:      Yes, thank you, lad.  Now, you go to bed, too.  [Eli settles down to sleep in the chair.  Samuel at a distance from Eli, settles in his small chair to sleep, too.]

God:    [Loud strong voice]  Samuel!  Samuel!

Sam:   [Samuel awakes and stands up quickly, rubbing his eyes]  Here I am.  Just a minute.  I am coming.  [Goes over to Eli, reaches out to him, kneels]  Here I am, you called me.

Eli:      [Stirs, opens his eyes]  I did not call.  Go back.  Lie down.  Get some sleep.

            [Samuel returns to his bed/chair and settles back to sleep.]

God:    [Louder]  Samuel!  Samuel!

Sam:   [Arises, listens again.  Heads quickly to Eli]  Here I am.  You called me.

Eli:      I did not call you my, child.  Go.  Lie down again.

Sam:   [Returns to bed/chair and lies down.]

Eli:      [Wondering aloud, but to himself, looking at the congregation]  The boy is full of faith.  I wonder [pause…]  Could it be the voice of God calling to him?  Nooo… in all my years, I have never heard God’s call.  And Samuel is still a child.  He does not yet know the Holy One.  [Eli settles back in his chair/bed].

God:    [Loudly]  Samuel!  Samuel!

Sam:   [Arises quickly and goes to Eli]  Here I am, for you DID call me!

Eli:      [Speaking to the congregation]  It IS God calling the boy.  [Speaking to Samuel]  Go, lie down.  If you hear the voice again, you shall say, “Speak Holy One, for your servant hears.”  [Eli and Samuel settle down in their respective chairs]

God:    Samuel!  Samuel!

Sam:   [Stands up and looks our over the congregation]  Speak, Holy One, for your servant hears.  Pause…

[Eli and Samuel return to their seats with the congregation.]

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