C4Life - Justice

Choices, drama about excess and need

A drama by Commitment for Life, adapted by Ana Gobledale Speaker 1: affluent western female stereotype Speaker 2: male or female Speaker 3: male or female, but a woman is more likely to be collecting the water. Speaker 1: What a great morning, sun shining.  I think I will get James to get the private […]

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Climate Prayers, responsive intercessions — Ana Gobledale

Prayers for our world While written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, this responsive prayer may be adapted easily for any congregation concerned with climate change. This morning we come before God who created this amazing world and everything in it. We come to confess that our actions, our lifestyles are damaging the world’s […]

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Mission Moment: Maged from Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territory

While written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, this monologue, adapted from a Christian Aid news story, may be adapted easily for any congregation connected to Christian Aid. Worship Leader: Commitment for Life is our church’s way to make a difference in the world.  This global outreach programme enables us together to live out […]

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Shout!, Psalm, Isaiah 58 — Duncan Wilson, UK

‘Shout as loud as you can’, says God. ‘Remind my people about their sins! Every day they come to worship, eager for my ways, wanting to follow my laws. It gives them pleasure, so they say. But then they complain, asking why they should fast when it produces no favours, as though I am ignoring […]

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Rebellious Love, Intercessions — Cara Heafey, UK

Originally written for Reign of Christ Sunday*,  the last Sunday of the Church Year. God of love: hear our prayer. This morning we think about those who hold positions of power. We ask that you bless them with wisdom, convict them with conscience and afflict them with compassion for all those who are affected by […]

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Justice dwellers, prayer — Simon Cross, UK

A responsive prayer of intercession & confession Silence:  a diamond symbol (♦) indicates a short pause. One: God, we call to mind those unfairly imprisoned. All: May your people dwell in justice. ♦ One: We call to mind those who need help but cannot get it. All: May your people dwell in justice. ♦ One: […]

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