Cara Heafey - communion


On-line communion thanksgiving — Cara Heafey, UK

Prayer after communion Please pray with me… Thank you for the grace that makes space for us at your table. Thank you for the familiar and beloved faces on our screens. Thank you for the closeness we experience through technology, and through sharing this meal together. May we continue our lives having been nourished and […]

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Lockdown Liturgy for Communion — Cara Heafey, UK

Participating in communion in my home, along with fellow Christians in their home, has proven, for me, a powerful expression of the living Body of Christ and the Priesthood of all Believers. Cara provides a complete communion liturgy to use on-line in either a live stream, podcast or Zoom-type platform. Ready-to-print copies: PDF Lockdown Liturgy […]

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Call to Communion on-line — Cara Heafey

With what words do we invite the Body of Christ to gather on video screens? What actions and words recognize and welcome Jesus as host for our home communion meals? What terms express the authentic and powerful experience of Christ’s presence in our virtual midst? Invitation Jesus shared meals in all kinds of homes: The […]

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