A poem for Christmas and Epiphany This night we steer our paths By lights in holy skies. Like eyes of old, we stare Aloft at certain stars. Pressed hard by cruel tones And ugly, unseemly times, We linger at a star of beauty, A gleaming, affirming fire. To homes and naves we go With children […]
Read full textChristmas 1C
Psalm 147 renewed — Duncan Wilson, UK
Epiphany 5, Year B How good it is to sing God’s praise! How right to voice our acclaim. For God rebuilds and gathers the scattered peoples, healing those who are broken in spirit binding up their injuries. It is the same God who numbers the stars and calls each one by name. How mighty is […]
Read full textNow Comes the Brighter Day — Bob Hill, Missouri, USA
For Christmas Day or Epiphany Ready-to-print download: Now Comes the Brighter Day. – Bob Hill Now comes the brighter day so wanted, needed now, reminding all that dark is stalled when love comes home to stay. Now comes the brighter ray, a beam for all to show, a flame of fame, no one to shame, […]
Read full textChristmas Blessing — Cara Heafey, UK
Let us go from this place proclaiming That we have seen the glory of God Believing that there is a light that shines in the darkness Which the darkness shall not overcome. May the love of the Creator The joy of the Spirit And the peace of the Christ-child Be with you this Christmas, and […]
Read full textSeason of thin spaces — Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, USA
This is indeed a holy season. This is a season of light shining in the shadows. And the shadows will not overcome it. This is a season where we allow God to light hope, peace, joy and love on the wicks of our lives. This is a season of thin spaces where the distance between […]
Read full textSing in the New Year with children
Tune: Ba Ba Black Sheep When a New Year comes our way, When we work and when we play, When we fail or succeed, God will meet us in our need. God is love; we know that’s true; God loves me and God loves you. Adapted from a children’s song by George Stuart, Australia
Read full textCafe Church, Open Table service — New Year
Theme: Welcoming the New Year This ready-to-use Café Church New Year service weaves together scripture, reflection, conversation, communion and rituals of light and gathering. It has been designed for worship around tables, but is easily adaptable to a more traditional setting. This service includes everything you need — an Order of Service to handout, leader […]
Read full textA slow dawning — R S Thomas, UK
The first king was on horseback. The second a pillion rider. The third came by plane. Where was the god-child? He was in the manger with the beasts, all looking the other way where fourth was a slow dawning because wisdom must come on foot. R. S. Thomas, Counterpoint (1990) Shared by Sarum College, […]
Read full textChristmas Carols with Justice — SimpleLiving, USA
Simple Living provides lyrics for Christmas Carols with Justice. The verses blend traditional and bold progressive language. They are easy to use and bring the real world into Christmas. “Jesus’ birth has taken on much cultural significance as a celebration of good will, warm feelings and excessive consumerism. These new stanzas help to connect his birth […]
Read full textPsalm 148 — Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, USA
Psalm 148:1-5, 7-13, adapted Year C: Sunday after Christmas 5th Sunday after Easter Presentation: try using 6 voices or 3 people with 2-3 sections each. Praise the Eternal One! Praise God from the heavens; praise God in the heights! Praise God, sun and moon; praise God, all you shining stars! Praise God, you highest heavens, […]
Read full textPsalm 148, Call to Worship — Ana Gobledale, UK
Inspired by Psalm 148 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C 1st Sunday of Christmas, Year C Appropriate for Blessing of Gardens & Gardeners, Earth Day, or Blessing of Animals services. Presentation: The three questions, asked by Voices 1,2 and 3, might be asked by children or youth, or posed from different places in the gathered congregation. […]
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