Hiroshima Day

Hiroshima Day Images

Hiroshima Remembrance Day, 6 August On this day of remembrance, we remember the dead, the injured, the scarred, the broken lives. In many places paper lanterns will float on the waters of ponds, lakes and streams, each holding the memory of lives extinguished at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. May the images we choose to share in […]

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Confession of destruction — United Methodist Church, USA

God, keeper of the atoms and stars, you made us collaborators in creation, but we have pilfered the secrets of ordered existence and justified their immoral use in the name of ‘security’ and ‘peace.’ We could say then that we didn’t know the consequences. Now we do know, but we are complacent and silent. Have […]

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Lighting a candle is a prayer – Hereford Cathedral, UK

When I lit a candle in Hereford Cathedral, I picked up a card that reads: The shrine of St Thomas of Hereford: a place where pilgrims have left their prayer for hundreds of years. Lighting a candle is a prayer When we have gone it stays alight — continuing our prayers of thanksgiving and intercession […]

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Words to still the soul — Jeanne Lohman, USA

Words to still the soul . . . used perhaps as one enters a worship space, or prepares to. Now, for this space, I put them all aside, the awesome things for which no words will come. Such grief must go where only God is guide. Our lovely plane darkens. Nightmares ride. The sunlit waters […]

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Confession and Pardon — United Methodist Church, USA

God, the keeper of the atoms and stars: You made us collaborators in creation, but we have pilfered the secrets of ordered existence and justified their immoral use in the name of “security” and “peace.” We could say then that we didn’t know the consequences. Now we do know, but we are complacent and silent. […]

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Prayer for sanity — Brisbane Roman Catholic Church

God of our Mothers and Fathers, we pray for the peace of the world. We especially entrust to your mercy the homeless and refugees; those who have been dispossessed through war; those whose lives and families have been disrupted; and who mourn the loss of loved ones. We pray for countries who are war-torn even […]

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