A responsive prayer of intercession for our world Within our darkest night, Let your light shine. God of all creation, you hold the depths of the earth in your hands. You are closer to us than the air we breathe. Fill our souls with your wonderful love and light. Give us strength and courage to […]
Read full textIntercessions
How can they? — Sam Goodman, UK
Mis-hear How can they choose to treat faith As an excuse to live lives filled with hate? How can they still promote war As though that’s what your peace fights on for? How can they dare define love As a word meant for them to shun us? How can they collect their wealth And keep […]
Read full textDivine Spirit, prayer — John van de Laar, South Africa
Let us invite the Divine Spirit to blow through our lives and our world, as we lift our needs in prayer. Divine Spirit, we pray for all who have lost faith in themselves, in others and especially in you. May Spirit renew and inspire them again. We pray, Divine Spirit, for all who have lost […]
Read full textRainbow Prayer, thanksgiving & intercession — Cara Heafey, UK
Inspired by Genesis 9:8-17, Mark 1:9-15 and Micah 6:8 God our creator, thank you for those moments when the natural world surprises, delights, and stops us in wonder. The brilliant blue flash of a kingfisher. Rose-gold sunlight on bare-limbed trees. A rainbow, radiant against dark grey clouds. May we notice and appreciate these shining gifts. […]
Read full textDigital Wisdom: A Manifesto — Jim Burklo, USA
Note: before using the ‘Digital Manifesto’ in full, consider the congregation. What are local concerns and worries about digital usage? Perhaps a selection from the Manifesto might suffice. Perhaps there are other concerns to be added or inserted. May this act of faith be meaningful. Worship offers us space in which to reflect on our […]
Read full textResponding to violence & massacre — several prayers
Words from around the world… What words can be uttered when our thoughts and imaginations are shattered? What words do we say aloud when we gather to worship? What words bring sense to violent senselessness? Perhaps the silence between the words will offer the needed time for sighs and tears. These prayers were originally written […]
Read full textPrayer for victims of atrocities — Armenian Genocide Recognition Committee, Ireland
We shall remember them. We shall not lose heart. Minute of Silence… for the victims of all the recent atrocities in _______ We pray for our suffering world, for the end of enmity and strife between nations, for the end of inequality and poverty affecting people of various backgrounds. We remember the victims of violence, […]
Read full textPrayer responding to disaster — Global Ministries, USA
Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. (Isaiah 40:1) Holy God, ever present, our hearts are once again heavy as we watch this disaster unfold. We pray comfort for those who have lost loved ones and remember those who have lost their lives, commending their souls to your care. In the midst of this […]
Read full textRebellious Love, Intercessions — Cara Heafey, UK
Originally written for Reign of Christ Sunday*, the last Sunday of the Church Year. God of love: hear our prayer. This morning we think about those who hold positions of power. We ask that you bless them with wisdom, convict them with conscience and afflict them with compassion for all those who are affected by […]
Read full textPrayer response to violence, 1 John 4:20
Adapted from a prayer written by Terri Hord Owens God of Love, our hearts break at the violence in our world, the loss of life, the dishonouring of children of God, the vile insults hurled and the wounds of history reopened. We pray for the families of those who have died and all the wounded. […]
Read full textPay attention! — Amanda Udis-Kessler, USA
We are called to pay attention: a responsive reading Many: This morning/afternoon/evening and all mornings/afternoons/evenings, we are called to pay attention. One: We are called to pay attention to our individual lives, to our delights and pains. We are called to understand and cherish ourselves, to take good care of ourselves, to know ourselves as […]
Read full textWe call to mind, Litany — Simon Cross, UK
Intercessions arising from Psalm 51: 10 Silence: a diamond symbol (♦) indicates a short pause. One: God we call to mind the places where we live. All: May your people dwell in harmony. ♦ One: We call to mind the concerns of our neighbours. All: May your people dwell in harmony. ♦ One: We call […]
Read full textSea Sunday
‘Sea Sunday is when we have the opportunity to remember and pray for seafarers, their families and all who support them. It is a day of remembrance, prayer and celebration, and an opportunity to think about and thank those seafarers who work tirelessly throughout the year bringing us goods we often take for granted.’ — […]
Read full textPeace dwellers, prayer — Simon Cross, UK
A responsive prayer of intercession, confession and blessing Silence: a diamond symbol (♦) indicates a short pause. One: God, we call to mind those that we love. All: May your people dwell in peace. ♦ One: We call to mind those that would call us enemies. All: May your people dwell in peace. ♦ One: […]
Read full textJustice dwellers, prayer — Simon Cross, UK
A responsive prayer of intercession & confession Silence: a diamond symbol (♦) indicates a short pause. One: God, we call to mind those unfairly imprisoned. All: May your people dwell in justice. ♦ One: We call to mind those who need help but cannot get it. All: May your people dwell in justice. ♦ One: […]
Read full textMay compassion break out, prayer — Simon Cross, UK
A responsive prayer of intercession & confession Silence: a diamond symbol (♦) indicates a short pause. One: God we call to mind situations of inequality and unfairness. All: May compassion break out amongst us. ♦ One: We call to mind those that live in fear of running out. All: May compassion break out amongst us. […]
Read full textEpiphany Prayers of Intercession — Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, USA
Loving God, We gather as your people Seeking your presence, your comfort and your love. In this Epiphany Season of light Shine your light upon us – Into the recesses of our spirits, Those places where we experience anxiety, depression, fear and despair. This morning, we lift up in particular all among us who are […]
Read full textPeople of reconciliation, prayer — Simon Cross, UK
A responsive prayer of intercession & confession Inspired by Psalm 51 Silence: a diamond symbol (♦) indicates a short pause. One: God, we call to mind the fractured beauty of the world we live in. All: May we be people of reconciliation. ♦ One: We call to mind broken relationships. All: May we be people […]
Read full textWhere is the Love? — John van de Laar, South Africa
Where is the love? Prayer of confession and intercession When we treat our faith as nothing more than a self-help system and you, God, as simply a cure for whatever ails us, Where is the love? When we use the gifts our planet gives us with little care for our wastefulness and destruction, Where is […]
Read full textSpring Prayer of Intercession — Ana Gobledale, UK
Spring Prayer of Intercession – thinking of the southern hemisphere Related texts: Mark 4:20, Luke 8:15, Romans 7:4, Colossians 1:10 (Year C, Pentecost 5), Jeremiah 17:8 (Year C, Epiphany 6) Suggestion: everyone receives & hold a sunflower seed (or similarly large seed) throughout the prayer. Ready-to-print: WORD Spring Prayers of Intercession – Ana Gobledale PDF […]
Read full textPrayers for a people and nation, Luke 9:51-62 — Tyler Reeve, USA
Luke 9:51 – 62 Easily adapted for use relating to any country or people. Loving God, thank you for your welcoming embrace. Your acceptance of our imperfection is ever an example for us to strive for. Forgive us when we fall short – when we are quick to reject and quick to condemn. Inspire us […]
Read full textHome musings — Ana Gobledale, UK
Home is where the heart is. We remember the bereaved. Home is where I lay my head at night. We remember those sleeping in the street. Home is the hotel midway between here and there. We remember the refugee. Home is the guestroom of friends. We remember the outcast. Home is the terrace house on […]
Read full textElection Prayer — David Ouston, UK
God of choice and purpose, as we enter a period before the election, we pray you give us wisdom with this precious vote. Help us choose elected officials who will stand up for all that is good and right in our community and nation. May this election be about policy and not personality. May there […]
Read full textPrayer and Action for Peace — Ana Gobledale, UK
Peace Your promise Our hope Peace in our communities… Unite us to raise our voices against violence in our homes in our churches in our schools in our work places Peace on our earth… Unite us to take a stand, to act to become eco-churches to go green in our homes and communities to demand powers […]
Read full textPrayer for God’s people — Ramani Leathard, UK
This prayer comes from Christian Aid UK, written by Ramani Leathard, Christian Aid’s Head of Region for South East Asia and Afghanistan. It was originally written for the people of Afghanistan. O God of mercy and of peace, We hold your suffering people in prayer. Be living bread to those who are hungry each day. […]
Read full textPrayer for Refugees — United Church of Canada
Prayers of the people, with response & song, including the lighting of 5 candles We pray for the countries and regions that have hosted refugees. Knowing that refugee camps can be overcrowded, we pray for the continued safety of the camps and offer our thanks to those who work toward providing the basics of shelter, […]
Read full textPrayers for our world — Loren McGrail, USA
We celebrate, Creator God this diverse world you have created— its lands and its peoples. We give thanks for your gift of trust in us to preserve, conserve, and take care of it and offer all the hospitality you have already given us. We lift up your co-workers serving in areas of need. We are […]
Read full textPsalm 107 Prayer — Merryl Blair, Australia
Intercessory Prayer inspired by Psalm 107 Lent 4, Year B We bring our thanks to you, our God, for the faithful love that is always present with us. We look back at the times when we have been held by your love, gathered from isolation and disintegration, and brought into your reconciling grace. In the […]
Read full textExodus 20 Prayer — Merryl Blair, Australia
Inspired by Exodus 20.1-17 Third Sunday of Lent, Year B Our God, you are always creating. It is easy to see and to praise the wonders of nature, perhaps not so easy to see and praise the wonders of complicated human relationships. Help us to see your glory in the face of all people we […]
Read full textPrayer for Reconciliation — Ana Gobledale, UK
Power of Wholeness, sweep through each nation on the face of this globe. Fill us with the will and conviction to work towards reconciliation. Unite us as indigenous and invader settled in a new home, As settled colonizers and more recent immigrants and refugees seeking a new home, As Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus — […]
Read full textFrom a tiny mustard seed, Zoom prayer — Philip Brooks
Loving God, we thank you for your ongoing love for us. As wheat ripens in the sun and the tiny mustard seed develops into the largest of trees we want to grow in your love. May we be encouraging and supportive to all we encounter and not stifling like the weeds of our parable. We […]
Read full textLighting a candle is a prayer – Hereford Cathedral, UK
When I lit a candle in Hereford Cathedral, I picked up a card that reads: The shrine of St Thomas of Hereford: a place where pilgrims have left their prayer for hundreds of years. Lighting a candle is a prayer When we have gone it stays alight — continuing our prayers of thanksgiving and intercession […]
Read full textLiturgies responding to climate change — Operation Noah, UK
Operation Noah –‘faith motivated, science informed and hope inspired’ Operation Noah, an ecumenical Christian UK charity provides resources responding to ‘the growing threat of catastrophic climate change endangering God’s creation.’ True to their self-definition as ‘an inclusive group,’ there are usually two versions of each resource available: one incorporating inclusive language and imagery and a […]
Read full textPrayer for interfaith relations – Helen Heath, Australia
Creator God, God of love and compassion, of all new beginnings, You beckon us to another year of service for the community. But in our world, we are sadly aware of: .communities who are not at peace with each other; • areas in the world where hatred, war and poverty destroy community living; • places […]
Read full textReign of Christ Sunday Intercessory Prayer — Tod Gobledale, UK
As we enter into this intercessory time—thinking and praying for others—let us first seek to still our spirits’ restlessness. I invite you to close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale, filling your lungs…. Exhale, emptying your lungs…. Inhale, fill your lungs…. Exhale, empty them…. Inhale… Exhale. Pray with me. Jesus, they hanged you […]
Read full textPsalm 121 & Luke 18.1-8. Prayers for the world, — Ana Gobledale, UK
Written for nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C Psalm 121 & Luke 18:1-8 (the widow and the unjust judge) Where whence comes our help? Our help comes from God, the Eternal One, who made heaven and earth. Join me in our prayers of intercession. Pray with me. God, you are, indeed, our help in times […]
Read full textGroup Prayer for our world (intercessions) – Lewisham, UK
Thank you for meeting us on this day to worship and praise you. We pray for families and those affected by recent natural disasters [insert relevant references from current news]. We pray for the leaders of government relief agencies that will be involved in aiding the communities. We pray also for the weak and vulnerable […]
Read full textPrayers for Palestine & Israel — Jan Sutch Pickard
A prayer for the World Week of Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel (third week of September) God, loving Parent of all humankind, You are our Peace. In Jesus you embodied peace with justice – And you still do— Peace at its most down-to-earth, Peace, which can still prevail In the face of all […]
Read full textPrayers of the people – Garden Street Methodist Church, USA
Sharing joys and concerns of our members are led by an individual, or those present are asked to share their joys and their concerns using the microphone that is passed around the worship room. The responses are started by the worship leader after each person completes their prayer item. The leader will determine if the […]
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