Pentecost 24C

Preparing For Worship — William Stephenson, USA

I come To feel flowing from others The same hunger and thirst For hope For Faith For peace For joy I come To acknowledge what I know That You are the ultimate Source of all I long for That You are the Creator of all those I care for That Your Holy Spirit pulsates in […]

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Celebration of All Saints — Lynne Roberts, Australia

A candle might be lit after the three readers, or three candles might be lit, one by each reader.   Leader: We come together to remember and give thanks for the dear and holy dead, for those whose influence has shaped our lives and who surround us like a great cloud of witnesses, making the mysterious […]

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Reign of Christ Sunday Intercessory Prayer — Tod Gobledale, UK

As we enter into this intercessory time—thinking and praying for others—let us first seek to still our spirits’ restlessness. I invite you to close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale, filling your lungs…. Exhale, emptying your lungs…. Inhale, fill your lungs…. Exhale, empty them…. Inhale… Exhale. Pray with me. Jesus, they hanged you […]

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Luke 23:33-43 drama, the crucifixion — Ana Gobledale, UK

Luke 23:33-43 – Jesus and the two criminals Told from the perspective of three Roman soldiers present at the crucifixion of Jesus. Appropriate for Good Friday or the 24th Sunday of Pentecost, Year C. Ready-to-print scripts: Luke 23, 33-43 drama PDF Luke 23, 33-43 drama  Storyteller: Today’s Gospel reading, from Luke’s account, reminds us how […]

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Psalm 46:1-11 – voices of Zambia

Our Creator who is our protector and power and ever with us, Even when the economy depreciates and political scandal rises, Will not be shaken. God is the source of happiness. Your word brings joy to us. Your presence will always be with us to render help. At the sound of your voice troubles come […]

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