Proper 20A

Jonah & the plant, drama for on-line — Ana Gobledale, UK

Jonah 3:10–4:11 dramatised for on-line, on-screen, use Proper 20 (usually 16th Sunday after Pentecost), Year A Preparation: Keep it simple; line drawings will work fine. house plant or photo or drawing of a plant Worm – cut out, photo, soft toy or just a tube of some sort Sun – photo or drawing of a […]

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Psalm 105 prayer, Australia

Inspired by Psalm 105 Lectionary for Year A: Proper 12, 14, 17 and 20 We remember your wonderful works and we give thanks We sing praises, we tell of your strength, your faithfulness, your holiness, and we ask, how do we bring glory to you? Your judgements are over all the earth. You are mindful […]

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