
Mark 6.1-13 Drama — Ana Gobledale, UK

Zoom (online) version Parts:  Narrator (Storyteller), Jew, Jesus, Disciple Ready-to-print:  Mark 6, 1-13 – a drama Script Narrator: In Mark’s gospel, chapter six, we hear a familiar story about Jesus starting out on his ministry. Hear and see Mark’s words come to life. Mark writes: Jesus left that place and came to his home town, […]

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From a tiny mustard seed, Zoom prayer — Philip Brooks

Loving God, we thank you for your ongoing love for us. As wheat ripens in the sun and the tiny mustard seed develops into the largest of trees we want to grow in your love. May we be encouraging and supportive to all we encounter and not stifling like the weeds of our parable. We […]

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