Climate Prayers, responsive intercessions — Ana Gobledale

Prayers for our world

While written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, this responsive prayer may be adapted easily for any congregation concerned with climate change.

This morning we come before God who created this amazing world and everything in it. We come to confess that our actions, our lifestyles are damaging the world’s climate.  Not only plants and animals are affected.  Our neighbours are also victims of climate change.  Knowing we are involved means we cannot ignore what we know.  Propelled by Christ, aware of what God has freely given to us, we venture into the world to make a difference. We do this through prayer and through sharing our riches.

Join me in prayers for our world.  There is a response.  When I say ‘God of hope’, please respond saying, ‘hear our prayer.’  Pray with me.

God of the rainbow and promises of plenty, we know that each person in the UK uses on average 20 times as many resources as each person in the global south. We pray that we will buy wisely and carefully and will influence others to buy less and re-use more.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

We pray for the on-going gathering of data to help farmers choose crops that will grow well in soil lacking vital nutrients because of over farming. We thank you especially for the work of the Dabane Trust in Zimbabwe, our partners through Commitment for Life, where conservation farming techniques are shared so that people can feed their families.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

Creator God, we rely on gadgets and forms of transport that make living easier. Help us conserve energy. Thank you for the many ingenious ways Christian Aid partners use solar panels to make electricity for their communities.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

We pray for those whose livelihood is linked to the land. We pray that research will help them find new ways of farming and adapting. We pray especially for Christian Aid partners in Bangladesh who are researching the effects of salty water on rice crops.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

We pray for those whose lives are being affected by too much or too little rainfall that destroys crops needed to feed the people of the world. We pray for Christian Aid partners working in the West Bank to cope with water restrictions because of the occupation and destruction and to find ways to irrigate crops in times of drought.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

We are sorry for our part in creating pollution.  We know that those who use the least energy are the most affected.  Help us realize the impact of our energy use on all your creatures, both today and long into the future.  We pray for Christian Aid fishing projects in Bangladesh.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

We appreciate the inter-connectedness of our world. We pray for those species of animals and plants in danger of extinction and the courage to speak out in their defence.  Embolden us to do all we can to care for everything you have created by praying, acting and giving of our time and talents as well as our treasure. Give us strength and courage to vote and speak out to pressurise the world’s leaders into action to protect all our futures.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

Creator God, you have inspired thinkers and scientists down the ages to search out the mysteries of your creation and to benefit humankind in so many fields. In this our time of need, reveal the path that we must follow if we are to truly seek your will and fulfil your purposes on earth.

We know we can make a difference.  God of hope, hear our  prayer.

God, we know we can make a difference.  Show us the way. This we plea in the name of Jesus whom we claim to follow. Amen.

Artwork: ‘Butterfly ring’ by Lynne Roberts, Australia




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