Communion, Children’s Message – Tod Gobledale, UK

Pentecost (5 Aug 2012) Year B


  • Loaf of bread (unsliced)
  • Travel communion set
  • Bag in which the above items are held (out of which they are drawn)


Pull out bread and ask:  

  • What is this?
  • When do you eat bread?
  • When do we eat bread in church?

Bread is important.

Pull out communion set.  While case is closed, ask:

  • What is this?
  • What is inside?   (Open case to reveal small cups and plate, juice and bread)
  • What is all this for?  When is it used?  By whom?  With whom?

In the Bible, in John’s story about Jesus, Jesus says, ‘I am the bread of life.’

Jesus knows that we all need our daily bread, our daily food.  He also knows we need more, our daily spiritual food.  We need to be connected to God, too.

Jesus connects us with God.  When we share communion, we connect to Jesus and to God.

Pray with me.  God of community, that you for conecting us with you, with Jesus and with one another through the bread and juice of communion.  Amen.


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