A prayer of praise and confession
Divine Mystery,
Your breath fills the universe and makes it alive.
We praise you, Divine Life, for the gift of Spirit.
Your love blows through all creation and makes it one.
We praise you, Divine Lover, for the gift of Spirit.
Your presence fills every corner, your voice fills every silence,
and your heartbeat lives within every living thing.
We praise you, Divine Presence, for the gift of Spirit.
Yet we have failed to value the life of other people,
other creatures, and the world you have given to be our home.
Forgive us, Divine Life.
We have failed to recognise the connectedness of all things,
bringing pain through division and exclusion.
Forgive us, Divine Lover.
We have denied your presence, ignored your voice
forgetting your love for us and all that you have made.
Forgive us, Divine Presence.
Pause for silent reflection and prayer
Divine Spirit, we recognise the ways we have brought pain
to you, to others and to ourselves.
Breathe new life into us.
Wash us clean and ignite the fire of love in our hearts again.
Photo by Bruce Shotland, posted in his memory. Bruce died May 2024.