During this season of pandemic — Ana Gobledale, UK

Global God
Your embrace circles the globe
Pulsating wholeness, hope and justice into every heart.
During this season of pandemic
As Covid-19 sweeps across the lands

We cry out to you,
Not just for ourselves but for your beloved family,
For our sisters and brothers in Africa
Where church choirs are silent, mosques empty, crowded communities await safe passage.

We cry out to you,
For our neighbours in Europe
Breathing the air shared across many countries
Breathing in the hope of an atmosphere free of virus.

We cry out to you,
For our neighbours in the Pacific Island
That their safety bubbles may be signs of hope to us all.

Global God,
During this season of pandemic
As Covid-19 sweeps over the lands,
we celebrate the cleaning of the air and water around the globe,
The enhanced songs of birds,
The sacred silence settling, replacing the noises of modernity,
the neglected gardens now tended,
The unknown neighbours befriended.

Global God,
During this season of pandemic
As your embrace circles the globe,
Fill our hearts and minds with a renewed commitment
As stewards of this earth and neighbours to one another,

This we pray, as your beloved family.

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