Earth Care Lenten weekly resource, Year B — Presbyterians for Earth Care, USA

Presbyterians for Earth Care USA has released its 2021 Lenten Devotional with inspiring reflections, visually appealing layout, original artwork and photos.

The cover art, shown here, is entitled, ‘Raise Your Head’ by Lauren Wright Pittman. Explore her artwork here: Biblical Artwork by Lauren Wright Pittman.

To read the complete Devotional Booklet on the web click here.

To access a PDF copy for printing click here.

Whatever your Lenten practice might be this year, I pray that you will look to God for comfort and assurance in this ever-precarious world we find ourselves in. I pray that you let the voices in this devotional move your heart, and to accept their invitation of joining in communion with all creation as we go forward. To the Glory of God.
Jonathan Lee, MDiv Student, Yale Divinity School

Ash Wednesday Prayer

Creator, this Lenten season, open our eyes to the injustices around us. May we begin to build the foundation for a world that is honouring and pleasing to you—one that removes fear and values everyone.

Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator for the Presbyterian Hunger Program

First Sunday of Lent Prayer

Almighty God, Spirit moving around us, draw us into right relationship with creation. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear you calling us into the dust.

–Luke Rembold

Second Sunday of Lent Prayer

Creator, this Lenten season, open our eyes to the injustices around us.
May we begin to build the foundation for a world that is honouring and pleasing to you— one that removes fear and values everyone.

–Bill Somplatsky-Jarman

Third Sunday of Lent Prayer


Fourth Sunday of Lent Prayer

God of life help us to remember your wisdom in Sophia.
Forgive us of the ways we have neglected her wisdom.
Remind us of our dependent relationship to all people, animals, plants and Earth.
Help us to give back the life we have received from your creation.

— James Martin

Fifth Sunday of Lent Prayer

Creator, this Lenten season, open our eyes to the injustices around us. May we begin to build
the foundation for a world that is honouring and pleasing to you—one that removes fear and
values everyone.


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