What will it take to renew the earth? A Litany — Jane Blewet, USA (adapted)

What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take people!


What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take…Prophet people who dare to lay bare the fallacies that bind and choke us even when we cannot hear their words or dream their dreams;

It will take… Parent people who look with love on the work of creation and refuse to leave their children only a heritage of destruction

God, thank you for the Prophet and Parent People in our lives.


What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take… Nurture people who grow plants and feed birds and pick up dirt from the earth and love what is green, fresh and growing;

It will take… Healing people whose hands touch other lives into life and well-being struggling always against the forces of destruction.

God, thank you for the Nurture and Healing People in our lives.


What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take… Poet people who call us beyond where we are, and point to the lasting-ness of life,

who point to the folly of always choosing devastation;

It will take… Fun people who lift up and lighten

and laugh others into fruitfulness and courage for the long haul.

God, thank you for the Poet People and Fun People in our lives.


What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take… Nature people whose eyes are c lear and open, inviting trust and close bonding

with the total Earth Community–trees and toads,

fish and feathered friends, dogs and cats, water, wind, and stars;

It will take… Science people who have shown us our tiny, blue-green jewel in space and helped us to call it “home.”

God, thank you for the Nature and Science People in our lives.


What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take… Young people who have nothing to gain by destruction but destruction itself;

It will take… Old people who have tasted the fruits of the earth and known them to be good, luscious, and lasting;

God, thank you for the Young and Old People in our lives.


What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take… Justice and peace people who cry out against the oppressors of people,

and the destroyers of Earth, who would bomb and burn and obliterate;

It will take… Grateful people who don’t know themselves to be special but who are in truth the “salt of the earth,”

feeding, clothing and housing the human family, tending the soil, growing the food, blessing the land

by their very presence from one end of the day to the next.

God, thank you for the Justice & Peace People and the Grateful People in our lives.


What will it take to renew the earth?

It will take people.

God, thank you for the All the People in our lives.


Adapted from a litany by Jane Blewet, Earth Ministry 6512 23rd Ave NW, Ste 317 Seattle, WA 98117


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