Loving God, you are the Creator
You have created the world in which we live
And you love it
You have also created us
Our community and our families to live in this world which you love
And we continue to alter the world to serve our immediate advantage
We are greedy for more, regardless of cost
We seek to serve our individual needs rather than the needs of all
We fight and squabble, we waste and overuse to the detriment of our neighbours.
Transforming God, show us the ways to work together, for all, not one
To maintain a love of your creation in this world in each one of us
For us to live respecting the world
And to be able to pass on that love to both young and old
To work individually and as careful citizens of your beautiful creation
Forgive us, encourage us, and guide us all in your continuing love.
Inspired on pilgrimage to Iona, Scotland