Family prayers express the spiritual identity of those that say them. Some groups develop their own prayers; many use a version of the classic prayer that Jesus taught, ‘The Lord’s Prayer,’ for this. Some alternative prayers are provided that might be adopted (or adapted) for this purpose. You may prefer to use a prayer which reflects the specific identity of your group.
God, beyond and within, hallowed be your name.
Your kin-dom come, your will be done, now and always.
Let us want no more than we need for today.
In being forgiven may we learn to forgive.
In your compassion for us, lead us to have compassion for others.
God, beyond and within, hallowed be your name.
God eternal, listen to our hearts.
We do not crave power; we do not seek wealth.
Our desire is for an outbreak of peace,
our yearning is for the contagion of love to spread.
We ask for patience and a willingness to listen,
and for a boldness to love without fear or favour.
God beyond expectation and understanding,
mother and father to all of us.
May your revolution continue to change our hearts,
and lead us towards justice, joy, mercy, peace and love.
Draw us away from structures and ideologies which hurt and oppress.
Lead us to face our frailties.
Show us where we are in the power of that which harms us,
and help us towards freedom.
For you alone are God, and nothing belongs to anyone else.
Source of compassion and love,
God whose mercy knows no limits,
nourish us now with your peace.
Free us from chains of expectation,
deliver us from prisons of perfection.
Renew our hearts and minds so that we are transformed.
Lead us in the high hope of adventure,
open our eyes to the beauty of the world.
May we not ignore the need for justice
or hide from the reality of suffering.
May we have the courage, compassion and humility we need
to face these realities.
God who knows our hearts and minds.
You are closer than the skin on our bones.
You live in us as we live in you.
You feel our pain,
and your love transforms our suffering.
May we have courage, strength of mind
and perseverance in the struggle.
May we have compassion on all, and on ourselves.
May we have enough,
and may we want no more.
May your ways become our ways,
now and forever.
So let it be.
Visit Simon Cross’s blog — ‘Researching and writing at the intersection of spirituality, well-being, mental health, social science and theology.’