God of Creation (Genesis 1) — Merryl Blair, Australia

Inspired by Genesis 1 which is included in the Sunday lectionary for Epiphany Year B, Trinity Sunday Year A, and Easter Sunday Years A, B and C.

Our God,
We come before you with minds, hearts and eyes open
To the many ways in which you reveal yourself to us:
In the colours of autumn,
In the challenges and possibilities of reading your Word together,
In the complexities of the very human lives
From which we have travelled to this place,
And into which we will re-immerse ourselves when we leave.

God of creation,
You invite us to wonder:
To use all our senses to see, touch, smell, hear, and think
As we continue the conversation between timeless truths and
The ever-changing demands of our lives.
In all of our engagement with you,
Keep us centred on the call
To see all of your creation as good;
To recognise every other person as made in your image;
To acknowledge our relationship with sky, earth, water, animals,
And to know you more and more fully
By looking closely, lovingly, at all of these.

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