Pause to reflect and fill in the names of places and people as appropriate.
Heartbeat of God’s love,
melt my coldness,
chase away the shadows,
captivate my heart,
until I am filled
with the same stubborn,
and self-giving Love
for the world that is your abiding Passion.
Fire of God’s justice,
kindle in me righteous wrath
and prophetic passion.
Help me to dig the wells of fairness
so that justice will flow like rivers
and righteousness like a never-failing stream.
Sharp blade of God’s Word,
cut through the thick skin of my resistance
until I see the world through your eyes;
hear its groans;
feel its pain;
ache for its despair.
Then open my mouth
so that I may proclaim the Good News
in words that cut to the heart
and bring New Life to birth.
Dove of God’s peace,
brood over the disorder of my life.
Grant me the peace of your presence
which is so much more than the absence of conflict.
At home,
at work,
in Church,
in the community,
in the world …
make me a peacemaker
and not a paperer of cracks.
Make my life count for you.
Let me make a difference for your sake.
May my life bring you joy today.
Photo: Nepali prayer flags, Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson