How can they choose to treat faith
As an excuse to live lives filled with hate?
How can they still promote war
As though that’s what your peace fights on for?
How can they dare define love
As a word meant for them to shun us?
How can they collect their wealth
And keep it all just for themselves?
How can they hoard wine and bread
With so many mouths going unfed?
How can they misuse false power
And dispense justice from ivory towers?
How can they not see it’s rude
To belittle, demean and exclude?
How can they choose who belongs
How on earth have they got it so wrong?
How can we ever be free
When with logs in their eyes they can’t see?
How can they always mis-hear
When your gospel of love is so clear?
Art: Guatemalan stitchery, Bellingham, Washington USA