John 2.1-11, Prayers of approach — Cara Heafey, UK

By Cara Heafey, UK
inspired by John 2:1-11, Wedding in Cana (Epiphany 2 Year C)
Prayers of approach and confession

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God, our creator and provider,
we bring you our thanks and praise.
Everything we have and all that we are
flow from your goodness.

Jesus, worker of miracles,
we bring you our thanks and praise.
When our faith or our imagination fail us
you have the power to bless and multiply and transform.

Spirit of life and joy,
we bring you our thanks and praise.
You draw us into community and friendship.
You invite and provoke and inspire.

Three-in-one God,
We bring you ourselves.
Knowing that our lives and our fears and our desires
are an open book before you.
Trusting in your unconditional welcome.

We confess that sometimes
it’s not until we get to the end of our own resources,
until we let ourselves run empty,
that we turn to you.

Where we see only what ourselves and others lack,
Surprise us with your generous abundance.
Into our emptiness, pour your grace.
Fill us to overflowing with intoxicating love.

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