Isaiah 26.9, Walk God’s way — Simon Cross, UK

Sunrise on Webster Lake – Beth Morrill

Isaiah 26:9, New Living Translation

One: In the night I search for you;
All: in the morning I earnestly seek you.

One: Holy God at the start of this new day we look again at the works of your hands:
may our vision be renewed and our minds refreshed.
The stone that was rejected is now the cornerstone,
and it is marvellous in our eyes.

One: As we look to the day ahead, and acknowledge the struggles within
All: May we walk in your way, God
One: As we face the challenges of our daily lives
All: May we walk in your way, God
One: When we recognise in others those things that trouble us about ourselves
All: May we walk in your way, God
One: When we make judgements and decisions
All: May we walk in your way, God
One: As we choose whether to follow the pack or turn our faces to the wind
All: May we walk in your way, God.

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