Loving and Holy God,
it is such a privilege
to bring our honest prayers to you,
to open the Scriptures and discover not only that ordinary women and men,
but also Jesus himself, offer to you the gritty ‘stuff’ of their lives –
it gives us the permission we need to be that honest
not just ‘polite’ prayers,
not just the heartfelt prayers that come out of the needs we
experience and that we perceive in the lives of others –
but the questions and challenges
and anger and hurt
of our very human emotions
bursting from our hearts and minds and flung out at you.
Thank you for listening to these too.
And thank you for being in this day with us – with me – in whatever unfolds.
Whatever this day brings,
your will be done;
even if I’m struggling,
your will be done;
because I cannot believe otherwise
than that you will the good
of every single one of your children –
including me.
Praying with the daily lectionary – Wednesday 27th January 2016
Written for Windermere on-line Festival 2016
Photo – Lindisfarne sunrise, by Ana Gobledale