Loving God,
Help me savour the season
Of foliage falling all around
Bearing beauty in dying
Slowly turning the green
Into yellow, red, and orange
A Holy Fire of sense and spirit.
Let it pause me into wonder
At cycles revealing life large
An outer and inner motion
Bearing birth and death
In constant conversation
Necessary for revelation
Of your loving longing.
Grant grace upon grace
Meditating on this motion
Of holding and releasing
Of tearing and mending
Of resting and waking
Of dying and rising
Trusting your embrace
Holding everything
And everyone all the same
Losing no thing and no one
In your eternity of grace.
So let every leaf fall
A meditation in motion
Descending to the depths
In order to rise again
Transformed into beauty
Not yet conceived
Yet already waiting
For birth timed by you
O Love beyond time
Yet known in every time.