Prayer for our world — Ana Gobledale

Living, loving God, thank you for the world around us,

your splendid garden creation entrusted into our hands.

Please grant us the wisdom to be faithful stewards of your earth:

• Keeping air and water clean
• Being mindful of energy consumption
• Growing foods to share with all your people, our sisters and brothers
• Looking after all creatures, great and small.

We pray for nations suffering from conflicts:
• for a cease of the on-going, seemingly endless violence.
• for civilians, especially the very young and the very old
• for the combatants, those in power and those caught in the middle..

We give thanks for this land that we are blessed to call home.

Sometimes we feel that we are just small fish swimming alone in a very large sea.

But we are not alone.

We come together as your church and we can and do make a difference following in the way of Jesus.


We pray for the poor. We pray for the homeless.

We pray for those who are newly arrived on these shores.

As Mary was extravagantly generous with her precious perfume,

may we with generous hearts minister to those in need sharing our time, talents and treasures.


We pray for your church, universal, in general,

and we pray for this church, this congregation in particular.

As we worship and serve here in this place,

may we have ears to hear and eyes to see the beauty that surrounds us

and also the needs that arise in our midst.

We give thanks for those who serve.


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