Prayer for Today — Louise Gough, UK

Loving God
who summoned the world into being,
moulded the mountains,
bathed the earth in colour and light,
and breathed into us the Spirit of life
we bring you our praise.

We adore you,
the God who first loved us –
who knew us in the womb
made each of us unique
and who tends us with care.

We praise you
for revealing your love in Jesus.
Love which through
dusty feet, faithful service, wise words and caring hands –
and later through the cross and empty tomb –
turned despair to celebration,
exclusion to inclusion
and sadness and oppression into liberation and laughter.

We praise you that through his Spirit at work in the world,
We can all know the joy and freedom
of your generous love.

Loving God,
forgive us
when we fail to show that love to others.

Forgive us when we stifle
your ever-creating Spirit
in our lives
or in the lives of others.

Forgive us
when we fail to allow others to shine,
and when we make light
of the gifts you have given us.

By your love,
make us new,
and help us to know ourselves
forgiven and loved,
a people of your pleasure.


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