Prayer for Trans Visibility Day — Cara Heafey, UK

31 March

Transgender Day of Visibility

Creator-God, mother and father of us all,
you delight in all that you have made.
We rejoice in the glorious diversity of your creation.
You have room to hold us all inside your love.

Rebel Christ, at home on the margins,
you rejected the names and labels others imposed
and defied expectations.
We praise you for your scandalous welcome,
your refusal to compromise or conform,
your grace without borders.

Gender-fluid Spirit,
beyond and encompassing male and female,
You know who we are.
You call us by our chosen name and pronouns.
You lead us into wholeness.

Holy Trinity, Sacred Three,
You see us… we are seen.
You love us… we are loved.

In a world that can be unsafe, give us courage.
In a world that can be cruel, make us kind.
Help us to live in truth,
to be salty and shining,
to let our lives sing.

More resources for TDOV (Transgender Day of Visibility)

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