Call to Confession
Face the music. Jesus calls us to follow him, not just to another party of praise, but to the hard work of bringing God’s love and justice into this world of violence and fear. Let us prepare ourselves for this task by confessing our sin.
Prayer of Confession
One: Source of all Life, we gather as your people, broken and regretful.
All: Eternal One, hear our prayer of confession.
One: We like the path of life to be easy, comfortable, untroubled.
We get angry and impatient when problems arise and hardships persist.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: We like the way to be fun and happy. We do not want the hard way that Jesus takes.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: We like power on our side and miracles for our benefit.
We do not like to confront the powers that be nor to face the drudgery of everyday living.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: We want to live free of fear, confrontation and risk. We do not like to face the music.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: Merciful One, forgive us our sins and strengthen us to be truly faithful.
All: Help us follow Jesus and face the music. Amen.
Words of Promise
God hears the confession of our hearts and lips.
Through faith we are forgiven and in hope we are empowered for new life.
This prayer might be incorporated into a Palm Sunday communion service following the theme of ‘Face the music.’ Click here for the full communion service.
- Hong Kong — by Claire Daley
- photo by Hugh Abel