Prayers, Mark 5 — Ana Gobledale, UK

photo by Ben Ulrich

Prayers for our World (Intercession)

In response to Mark 5:21-43

We turn to God, reaching out through our prayers of intercession, lifting up those near and far, known and stranger, trusting that even if our entreaties but touch the hem of the divine garment, they will be heard. Pray with me.

God, thank you for the glorious weather—the sunshine, the warmth, the flowers.  Be with those for whom the heat is a burden.  We, who usually take water for granted, become acutely aware of what life is like without steady rainfall.  We lift our prayers for lands where water is scarce, where children are forced to drink from unclean sources.  When our rains come, let us not forget their needs.

We reach out to you on their behalf.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who suffer and who find themselves caught in the midst of violence and turmoil.  Especially for families caught in the conflicts scattered across the globe, and those who have lost loved ones. We pray for those who seek safety and refuge far from home, and give thanks for those who welcome and assist them.

We reach out to you on their behalf.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those in power, in our own city and nation, and around the world.  May they value life, goodness and our fragile eco-system. May the attitudes of greed, bullying and pontificating melt away, replaced by altruism, care and humility.  .

We reach out to you on their behalf.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for students and teachers as they come to the end of another school year.  And for the World cup players and umpires.  We pray for youth, whether in academics, sports, arts, or trades who are seeking success.  May a spirit of fairness and healthy competition surround their endeavours. And may they find wholeness in you.

We reach out to you on their behalf.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick and infirmed, that your healing power might enfold and uphold them. May our touch, and that of medical personnel and family assure them of your presence. In this moment of silence, hear the names of those for whom we pray, as we say them in our hearts.  {silence}

We reach out to you on their behalf.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God, thank you for hearing our prayers, spoken and unspoken.  Encircle those we have named, and those left un-named, with your healing love.

In the name of the Messiah, our sovereign, we pray.  Amen.

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