Psalm 8 for a Quantum World– Heather Whyte, UK

Inspired by Psalm 8

Eternal God, source of all being,
your essence is woven throughout creation,
your love shines within the fabric of life.
From the laughter of a child,
to tears of joy glinting in the eyes of memory,
the sparkle of your love surprises us
and nourishes us.
When I look at creation in its glory and intricacy
I wonder at our place within all this,
but then I remember the laughter and the tears
and I know.
We are one with creation
for we are one with you
and together we are love.

Introduction to Psalms for a Quantum World.

In the project, ‘Psalms for a Quantum World, ‘ Heather ‘rephrases’ psalms ‘for the twenty-first century’ reflecting a ‘collision or connection’ between her ‘long-standing struggle with the language and image of the Psalms, a passion for spirituality, and interest in quantum theology (the application of new understandings from quantum science to the way we understand our humanity, God and creation)’.

Photo: Close up of ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ frontal at Manchester Cathedral, sewn by Cristina Rodrigues, UK

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