Psalm 72 Renewed — Duncan Wilson, UK

Praise from the heart: psalms  framed and phrased for church worship

For Epiphany



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Epiphany Praise Psalm 72 – Duncan Wilson WORD

Epiphany Praise Psalm 72 – Duncan Wilson PDF

Teach your rulers, O God,
how to rule your people with justice
and how to govern with gentleness
the people who carry heavy loads.

May your rulers judge fairly
and give attention to the people most in need.

May your rulers be like showers of rain on the fields,
may all the land experience their genuine care.

May all that is good flourish under their leadership
and everything prosper through their inspiration.

And may your people worship you
for as long as the sun and moon shine from above.

Now here come rulers from the West and beyond
from Arabia and Seba laden with gifts,
everyone to bow the knee,
each one to serve.

For God rescues those who cry out,
the needy and the neglected ones,
showing pity to both weak and poor;
saving the lives of those in need.

Where people are downtrodden and beaten,
God proves a saviour to them all;
for their lives are precious.

By God’s word comes the lightening flash,
and the desert quakes, and great oaks are stripped bare
and all the earth cries ‘Glory to God’.

This is the One who rules creation
who gives strength and peace to all God’s people.

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