Reign of Christ, Intercessions — Cara Heafey, UK

Originally written for Reign of Christ Sunday*,  the last Sunday of the Church Year.

God of love:
hear our prayer.

This morning we think about those
who hold positions of power.

We ask that you bless them with wisdom,
convict them with conscience
and afflict them with compassion
for all those who are affected by the decisions they make.

God of love,
hear our prayer.

We remember those who are suffering
Under oppressive rulers and regimes.
Those whose choices in life are limited.
Those who are exploited and ground down.

Help us to disentangle ourselves
from systems that abuse and dehumanize.
Make us a part of your dream
for a different kind of realm.

God of love,
hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have been shaken awake
to the fragility of life.
Those whose lives have been shattered
by war, or disaster, or illness or bereavement.

Comfort them with your presence,
and help us to be with them in their grief.

God of love,
hear our prayer.

We pray for ourselves.
Make us conscious of our privilege.
Help us to follow in your footsteps
of peaceful resistance,
gentle service
and rebellious love.

*Traditionally called ‘Christ the King Sunday’

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