Loving God,
Deepen my root
In the soil of You
Pressure enough
To hold and grow
All You intend
Into fullness of blossom
In seasons of Your design.
Grant me grace
To be connected
To other roots
Also fashioned by You
That strength may abound
In connections You form
For every storm
Of the world’s design.
O Love,
Let the gift of challenge
Grow in me love’s grit
Embracing the necessary
Resistance for the growth
Of root and limb
You so deeply desire.
Yes, deepen my root
In Your Holy ground
Watered by You
Nourished by You
That my life may be shade
For at least one other
Who longs to know
Your shielding grace
Just enough to grow
In due season into fullness
Of praise and thanks
For the very gift
Of being planted
In You, by You, for You.
Yes, Love,
Grow Your grit
Of Love in me
Refining my loving
Deepening my root
For whatever good
Truth and beauty
You are already forming
That I cannot yet see.
Photo: ‘Rooted’ by David Long-Higgens