

Posts per category

2020 pandemic

2020 Pandemic communion

2020 Pandemic music

2020 Pandemic prayer



About us

Advent & Christmas

Advent 1A

Advent 1B

Advent 1C

Advent 2A

Advent 2B

Advent 2C

Advent 3A

Advent 3B

Advent 3C

Advent 4A

Advent 4B

Advent 4C

Advent candles

Advent images

Advent Service

Advent song

Advent video

Advent Words

Affirmation of Faith


All Saints Day

Allen Myrick

Allison Goerke

Amanda Udis-Kessler

Amanda Udis-Kessler hymn

Ana G - Psalm

Ana Gobledale

Ana Gobledale - Advent Christmas

Ana Gobledale - children's message

Ana Gobledale - drama readings

Ana Gobledale - prayer

Ana Gobledale - song

Angie Brock

Angie Combs

Ann Morton

Anna Blaedel


Antonia Rolls

Anzac Day

April words

Armenian Genocide Remembrance

Arne Noon


Ascension Day

Ash Wednesday

August words

Australia words

Autumn words

Autumn words 2

Baptism activities

Baptism renewal

Baptism song

Baptism words

Barb Wilkins-Crowder


Bible readings

Black History


Blessing a home

Blessing of Animals

Blessing of Gardens

Blessing of Water

Blessing services

Blue Christmas

Bob Hill

Brenda Torrie

Brian Schroeder

Bronwyn White

C4Life - Bangladesh

C4Life - IOPT

C4Life - Justice

C4Life - Zimbabwe

Cafe Church

Call to worship

Call to worship - Psalms

Call to worship children

Candlelight words

Cara Heafey

Cara Heafey - Christmas

Cara Heafey - communion

Cara Heafey - death

Cara Heafey - Easter

Cara Heafey - Lent

Cara Heafey - prayer

Carol Kreis


Cephas Ngoma

Chad Abbot

Chad Abbott

Children's message

Children's message world

Children's prayers

Children's songs

Childrens Message world

Choir dedication

Chris Roe

Christina White

Christine & Ted Haines

Christine Longhurst


Christmas 1A

Christmas 1B

Christmas 1C

Christmas A lectionary

Christmas drama

Christmas nativity

Christmas song

Christmas words

Church Anniversary

Church Anniversary song

Claire Daley photos

Climate Kairos

Climate Sunday



Commissioning services

Commitment for Life - Call to worship

Commitment for Life monologue

Commitment for Life prayer

Commitment for Life resource

Commitment for Life song


communion prayer

communion song

Complete service


Contributor - writer

Creation Time worship resources

Daley photos


Daphne Armstrong

David Hookins

David Long-Higgins

David Ouston

David Pickering

David Williams

David Yeo Poulton

Death & Dying

December words

Discerning words





Drama Advent

Duncan Wilson

Duncan Wilson - psalm

Earl Roberts

Earth Day

Earth Day & Earth Year


Easter 2A

Easter 2B

Easter 2C

Easter 3A

Easter 3B

Easter 3C

Easter 4A

Easter 4B

Easter 4C

Easter 5A

Easter 5B

Easter 5C

Easter 6B

Easter 6C

Easter 7A

Easter 7B

Easter 7C

Easter A

Easter B

Easter C

Easter communion

Easter drama

Easter Saturday

Easter song

Easter sunrise

Easter words


Eleanor Hubbard

Eleanor Nash


Election words

Elizabeth Gray-King

Emily Heath

Endangered Species Day



Epiphany 1A

Epiphany 1B

Epiphany 1C

Epiphany 2A

Epiphany 2B

Epiphany 2C

Epiphany 3A

Epiphany 3B

Epiphany 3C

Epiphany 4A

Epiphany 4B

Epiphany 4C

Epiphany 5A

Epiphany 5B

Epiphany 5C

Epiphany 6

Epiphany 6A

Epiphany 6C

Epiphany 7C

Epiphany 8A

Epiphany 8C

Epiphany A

Epiphany B

Epiphany C

Father's Day

February words

Fiona Crowther

Fiona Hulbert

Frank Richards photos

Funeral words

Gay Pride


Genocide - prayers

Geoff Calvert

Geoffrey Clarke

George Stuart

Gerardo Oberman


Good Friday

Grace (the)

Graeme Blair




Harvest hymns

Harvest Words

Healing words

Heather Pencavel

Heather Whyte

Heather Whyte - psalm

Heather Whyte - song

Helen Heath

Hiroshima Day

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holy Week

Hopeful words

Hugh Abel

Human Rights Day


Image Seasons

Image themes


Images World Communion Sunday

Inclusive language

Inclusive language Bible

inclusive language in our prayers

inclusive language quote

Independence Day



Interfaith prayer

International Day of Peace

James Church

James McReynolds liturgist

James Moulder

Janice Hill

January words

Jeanne Lohman

Jenny Smith

Jhonathan Gomez

Jim Burklo

Jim Burklo Christmas

Jim Burklo hymn

Jim Burklo poem & reflection

Jim Burklo prayer

Jim Burklo ritual

Jim Cotter

Joan Smith

John Edgerton

John Potter photographer

John van de Laar

Joint Liturgical Group of Great Britain

Joy Cowley

Joyce Dent


Jubilee 2022

Juliet Kamanga

July words

June words

Justice peace song

Justice Racism

Justice words

Karen Campbell

Karen Jazowski

Kate Gray

Katherine Baxter

Kerry Handasyde

Kevin Goldenbogen

Kevin Snyman

Labour Day

Lauren Mallaby

Lawrence Moore



Lectionary A

Lectionary art

Lectionary B

Lectionary C

Lectionary liturgy

Lectionary music

Lectionary resources

Lectionary words

Lectionary Year A words

Lectionary Year B words

Lectionary Year C words

Left panel


Lent 1A

Lent 1B

Lent 1C

Lent 2A

Lent 2B

Lent 2C

Lent 3A

Lent 3B

Lent 3C

Lent 4A

Lent 4B

Lent 4C

Lent 5A

Lent 5B

Lent 5C

Lent general

Lent Song

LGBT Complete Services

LGBT words

Linda Allen

Lisa Caldwell-Reiss

Liturgy words

Liz Grant

Lords Prayer

Lords Prayers

Loren McGrail

Loren Richmond

Lorraine Steel

Louise Gough

Love words

Lynne Roberts

Malcolm Guite

Mandla Daley

March words

Marchae Grair

Maren Tirabassi

Mark Manterfield

Martha Baldwin

Matt Cutler

Maundy Thursday

May words

Memorial Day

Merryl Blair

Michael Dutchak

Michael Dutchak photo


Month by month words

Morning words

Mother's Day

Mothering Sunday


Names for God

Nativity words

nearing death

New Year

New Zealand words


Nick Stanyon

Nicola Slee

November words

October words

October, November, December

Offering prayers

Old Testament stories

Open Table

Open Table more

Opening Prayer

Ordination words

our world

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday drama

Palm Sunday hymn

Passing the Peace

Passion Sunday

Pastoral Prayers

Peace words

Peace words general



Peace-Hiroshima Day


Peace-Mother's day


Peace-response to violence


Pentecost 1

Pentecost 10A

Pentecost 10B

Pentecost 10C

Pentecost 11A

Pentecost 11B

Pentecost 11C

Pentecost 12A

Pentecost 12B

Pentecost 12C

Pentecost 13A

Pentecost 13B

Pentecost 13C

Pentecost 14B

Pentecost 14C

Pentecost 15A

Pentecost 15B

Pentecost 15C

Pentecost 16A

Pentecost 16B

Pentecost 16C

Pentecost 17A

Pentecost 17B

Pentecost 17C

Pentecost 18A

Pentecost 18B

Pentecost 18C

Pentecost 19A

Pentecost 19B

Pentecost 19C

Pentecost 20A

Pentecost 20B

Pentecost 21A

Pentecost 21B

Pentecost 21C

Pentecost 22A

Pentecost 22B

Pentecost 22C

Pentecost 23

Pentecost 23A

Pentecost 23B

Pentecost 23C

Pentecost 24A

Pentecost 24B

Pentecost 24C

Pentecost 25A

Pentecost 25B

Pentecost 25C

Pentecost 26B

Pentecost 27B

Pentecost 28A

Pentecost 2A

Pentecost 2B

Pentecost 3A

Pentecost 3B

Pentecost 3C

Pentecost 4A

Pentecost 4B

Pentecost 4C

Pentecost 5A

Pentecost 5B

Pentecost 5C

Pentecost 6A

Pentecost 6B

Pentecost 6C

Pentecost 7A

Pentecost 7B

Pentecost 7C

Pentecost 8A

Pentecost 8B

Pentecost 8C

Pentecost 9A

Pentecost 9B

Pentecost 9C

Pentecost A

Pentecost B

Pentecost C

Pentecost song

Pentecost words

Personal devotion words

Philip Brooks

Praise words

Prayer for illumination

Prayer for Peace

Prayer Words

Prayers by theme

Prayers each day of week

Prayers for Palestine

Prayers for today

Prayers for worship

Preaching prayers

Pride words

Progressive Christianity

Progressive Liturgy Link

Proper 10A

Proper 11A

Proper 12A

Proper 13A

Proper 14A

Proper 15A

Proper 16A

Proper 17A

Proper 18A

Proper 19A

Proper 20A

Proper 21A

Proper 22A

Proper 23A

Proper 24A

Proper 25A

Proper 26A

Proper 27A

Proper 28A

Proper 29A

Proper 3A

Proper 4A

Proper 5A

Proper 6A

Proper 6C

Proper 7A

Proper 8A

Proper 9A


Purpose of Worship Words


Ray Stanyon

recommitment service

Reconciliation prayer

Reformation Sunday

Refugee Day


Reign of Christ Sunday

Remembrance Day


Rex Hunt

Ritual Words

Robin Golden-Hann

Roger Lynn photo

Ron Buford

Rural Sunday

Sabbath words

Saint Andrew's Day

Sam Goodman

Sam Goodman hymn

Sandy Messick

Scott Ward

Sea Sunday

Season of Creation

Season of Creation Ecumenical worship

Season of Creation Prayer

Season of Creation Psalm

Season of Creation Service

Season of Creation Song

Seasonal Words

Sending forth

September words

Sharing resources

Simon Cross

singing Carols

Singing Eco

Singing words

Singing words collections

Singing words Easter

Song - harvest

song Bible verse

Song discipleship

Song for special day

song gathering

Song general

Song God's love

Song World

Spring words

St Francis Day

Statement of Faith

Stephen Best

Stephen Best Hymn

Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Strengthening words

Sue McCoan hymn


Susan Brecht


Thandiwe - Advent Christmas

Thandiwe - children

Thandiwe - photo

Thandiwe - prayer

Thandiwe - psalm

Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson

Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson - psalm


Tod Gobledale

Tom Long

Tragedy response

Transfiguration Sunday

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Visibility

Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday A

Trinity Sunday B

Trinity Sunday C

UCC Covenant

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Veronica Daniel

Vestry Prayers

Video words

Warren Hartley

Wedding service complete

Wedding song

Wedding vow renewal

Wedding words

Wellingtone Bawalya

William Stephenson

Winter words

Wisdom words

Words for 3:00 am

Words for meditation

Words for personal devotions

Words Matter

World Communion Sunday

World Communion Sunday service

World Day of Prayer

World Environment Day

World Health Day

World Water Day

Zach Ford

Zambia Call to worship

Zambia confessions

Zambia Opening prayers

Zambia Opening words

Zambia pastoral prayer

Zambia prayer

Zambia prayers for illumination

Zambia prayers for Zambia

Zambia Prayers of intercession

Zambia Psalm

Zambia song

Zambia special service

Zambia UCZ students

Zambia worship


Zoom words