Suggested Resources

You are not alone with your desire for inclusive language and Progressive liturgy.

While these links may not provide ready-to-use material, they do offer valuable worship resources.

Inclusive-language Bibles

Inclusive-language resources:

Professor Adrian Thatcher advocates usage of gender-inclusive language. For him, this can include appropriate and thoughtful use of gender-specific language which does not privilege by gender.  In a 36-page booklet entitled “Gender Inclusive language and Worship” produced by Modern Church, Adrian provided practical suggestions for church groups committed to creating inclusive worship experience. Adrian’s booklet was recommended by  the Progressive Christian Network in Britain.

Unfortunately, the booklet has been removed from the Modern Church website and is no longer available on line.  If you have a copy,  or contact information for Adrian Thatcher, please share it with the Editor of Worship Words.  Thank you.

‘Inclusive language is language that is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudiced, stereotyped or discriminatory views of particular people or groups. It is also language that doesn’t deliberately or inadvertently exclude people from being seen as part of a group. Inclusive language is sometimes called non-discriminatory language.’

from ‘Guidelines for Inclusive Language‘ published by the Department of Education in Tasmania, Australia.

Lectionary Study resources:

Lectionary-related Liturgy resources:

Year A Worship Words resources

Year B Worship Words resources

Year C Worship Words resources

Lectionary-related songs and hymns:

Lectionary-related art & images:

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