
Progressive Perspective Liturgy — Pilgrim Uniting Church, Australia

Pilgrim Uniting Church in the City, Adelaide, Australia, has created an active website for worship planning ‘from a progressive perspective’ focusing on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. This active website for worship planning “from a progressive perspective” is chalk-a-block full of ready-to-use resources! One ready-to-use item is an A5 handout (prepared to be double-sided) of each week’s […]

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Progressive Perspective Liturgy — Pilgrim Uniting Church, Adelaide, Australia

This active website for worship planning “from a progressive perspective” is chalk-a-block full of ready-to-use resources! Focusing on the Revised Common Lectionary, this”resource website for worship planning” for Adelaide’s Pilgrim United Church in the City provides “a compilation of resources from various sources, as well as resources written by Pilgrim worship planners.” One ready-to-use item […]

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