Cross Friday not Good, that strange completely unbiblical, not to speak of theologically incorrect, adjective for the Friday. I will not say or write or pray that torture and killing are ‘good’, though Jesus anticipated it, God worked with it, and the Spirit wasn’t nicknamed ‘Comforter’ for nothing. Calling someone ‘martyr’ is not defining a […]
Read full textGood Friday reflection
Insights — Richard Kidd, Australia
John 11:47-53 Caiaphas said, “…to gather into one the dispersed children of God.” Insights just occasionally an unexpected insight cuts through the veneer revealing the veneer revealing a layer that no-one, not even the prophet, has seen From Poets and Painters, page 34, by Richard Kidd (2015 published privately) Richard, previous principal of Northern College, […]
Read full textThen they came for me — Martin Niemöller, Germany
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a […]
Read full textPieta, a Good Friday poem — Ana Blandiana, Romania
The clear pain, the death has brought me back, Submitted to your arms, almost a child. You don’t know whether to be thankful Or to cry For such happiness, Mother. My body, stripped of the mystery Is yours alone. Sweet your tears drip onto my shoulder And gather obediently near the blade. How good it […]
Read full textGood Friday, a Response — Lawrence, Moore, UK
Mark 15:25-39 Response I didn’t sign up for this. Not whips and nails, splinters and thorns, blood and stink and agony. I didn’t sign up for this. Not failure and despair, discouragement and derision, ignominy and ridicule. If it comes to this, I want to walk away too – flee; deny having ever known you. […]
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