Dearest Friend, gentle spirit, breath of live, source of our being, from the peacefulness of silence, the silence that preceded Creation, your speaking entered the void and light burst forth. Our hearts are filled with gratitude that your speaking extends to us today, that your light illuminates our world and our lives. Even as we […]
Read full textinclusive language in worship and liturgy
Psalm 130 for today – Ana Gobledale, UK
So dark, so cold, so alone. God, where are you? Can you hear me? Where are you? My cries seem to vanish into the air. Do any reach you? I feel the waiting stretch so long. Then like the sun that shines before the dawn, Like the sun that shines below my horizon, Your presence […]
Read full textJoyful giving
Invitation The Eternal One has given us all that is good, right and true. What a joy to share these gifts with one another in the life of this community and far beyond our own reach. In this offering, we return to God a token of our wealth in gratitude for all we have received. […]
Read full textLitany for Mothers — Janice Hill, USA
To be read responsively by a leader and group, or divided into two groups of voices (e.g. left & right) Mothers come in many different forms, and today we celebrate them all! Thank God for mothers! Everyone here is either a daughter or a son. Thank God for our mothers! For those women who have […]
Read full textRomans 5.12-19 — Duncan Wilson, UK
A version of Romans 5. 12-19 First Sunday of Lent, Year A Adam set the tone. From his time onward, human beings seemed destined to do wrong and the path of wrongdoing led to a dead end. There was plenty of sin about before we were ever given the Law. But when there are no […]
Read full textMLK Day, Call to Worship — Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, USA
Martin Luther King Day is observed in the USA on the third Monday of January. This morning we remember dreams and dreamers. Joseph, Jesus’ father, dreamt about uncertainty. We, too, know the uncertainty of dreaming. May we, like Joseph, respond in faith. Mary, Jesus’ mother, dreamt about a child, a new beginning. We, too, dream […]
Read full textPsalm 72 Praise — Duncan Wilson, UK
A contemporary rendition of Psalm 72. 1-8, 18,19 Teach your rulers, dear God, to know what is right and share with them what you consider just so that they rule fairly, especially in favour of people who are oppressed. May our lands also enjoy prosperity and also be awake to your righteousness. As long as […]
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