As we go about our busy and frenetic lives we thank you for your on-going unfailing love, that at times we almost forget is there. We thank you, that you are always present in our lives, behind and before us. Your love is so great that we know you will never let us down, you […]
Read full textKatherine Baxter
Prayer of Confession — Katherine Baxter, UK
You call us to be your voices in this world and we stay silent. You call us to be your hands in this world and we keep them hidden. You call us to be your feet in this world and we go our own way. You call us to stand up for our faith And […]
Read full textPrayers for our world (intercessions) – Katherine Baxter, UK
A responsive prayer of intercession Within our darkest night, Let your light shine. God of all creation, you hold the depths of the earth in your hands. You are closer to us than the air we breathe. Fill our souls with your wonderful love and light. Give us strength and courage to reflect that love […]
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