Light in the darkness

Psalm for Christmas — Zach Ford, UK

Making use of John 1:5 I am cast adrift, O God, I am cut off from your face. A thick darkness surrounds me, I am enmeshed in a mist of confusion. And it seems all creation must mourn, Must mourn and lament, must weep, For we are alone and apart, The light has gone out […]

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The nights are closing in — Amy Boucher Pye, USA

The nights are closing in, And darkness descends. Sometimes I feel lost in the dark, Wondering where you are; If you’ve left me. At times like these, Remind me of your presence and love And help me, Gently, to educate my feelings To fall in line with the truth of your promises. Enable me to […]

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Airse, shine! — Barbara Wilkins-Crowder, USA

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. –Isaiah 60:1 Originally written as an Advent reflection, this may be used in either Hemisphere as a Winter reflection. Life moves unrelentingly on. We tackle projects. We make connections and friendships. We earn our bread and sometimes break […]

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Jesus bids us shine — Susan Warner, UK

Jesus bids us shine, With a pure, clear light, Like a little candle, Burning in the night. In this world is darkness, So, let us shine— You in your small corner, And I in mine. Jesus bids us shine, Then, for all around Many kinds of darkness In this world are found – Sin and […]

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The desert is not alone — Angie Combs, Colorado USA

Sun light fades shadows blend united into layers Darkness shrouds The Night is not alone. Aged with patience Saguaro keeps watch his feathered guards at the helm ready The Crown is not alone Steady, enduring, branches like steel reach yearn cradle the stillness The Ironwood is not alone Vipers tucked in hiding coyote sings lullaby […]

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Miscarriage in Advent — Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, USA

How easy it is to get caught up in the busy-ness, the doing, the decorating, the cooking, the sending, the buying, the eating of Christmas. Now don’t get me wrong, I love each of these parts of Christmas – setting up the Christmas tree and hanging decorations, the home-made Christmas cookies and egg nog, writing […]

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Candlelight words

Accompanying a flickering flame, words bring light into the darkness, illumination into the wondering . . . Explore these resources to discover ‘Words by Candlelight’ relevant to your experience and situation. Newest posts . . . (images link to posts) Alphabetical archive of all ‘Words by Candlelight’ resources . . .  

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