Celebrating World Communion Sunday, first Sunday of October Tune: Abbot’s Leigh (Glorious things of thee are spoken) Inspired by morning worship at Abbots Road United Reformed Church, Leicester Gather us, let your spirit move us Breathe love so it inhabits our hearts Where you meet us, we feel encouraged When you lead us, our new […]
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Matthew 16.21-28 Hymn, Growing Tensions — George Stuart, Australia
Year A Pentecost 12 Matthew 16:21-28 Tune: Regent Square For the lyrics, music and a power point, click here. Growing Tensions 1. Jesus faced the growing tension; Fierce hostility was grim; Yet he wished to preach his gospel In streets of Jerusalem; He knew that his strong opponents Planned his death to silence him. 2. […]
Read full textI dream of a church, hymn — Kevin Snyman, UK
Tune: Bard of Armagh (Streets of Laredo) I Dream of a Church performed by Roo Stewart with words (Click on link to go to YouTube.) I dream of a church that joins in with God’s vision Of a people who live without counting the cost; She trusts in the Spirit of Christ Jesus’ mission Lifts up […]
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