Sea Sunday

Sea Sunday

‘Sea Sunday is when we have the opportunity to remember and pray for seafarers, their families and all who support them. It is a day of remembrance, prayer and celebration, and an opportunity to think about and thank those seafarers who work tirelessly throughout the year bringing us goods we often take for granted.’  — […]

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Good Samaritan & Seafarer Drama — Ana Gobledale

Luke 10:25-37  (8th Sunday of Pentecost, Year C) The story of the Good Samaritan adapted for Sea Sunday (usually held in July) For 3 Actors/Readers: Narrator, Lawyer and Jesus The lawyer, the beaten person, the Samaritan Seafarer and the passers-by might be any gender and may be referred to as ‘he’ ‘she’ or ‘they’. The […]

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